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Suggestions for group activities for a fast paced math course

I am supposed to teach a full year of College Algebra in only ten weeks as our academic terms have to be kept very short. Other than having students work on problem sets provided by the class worksheets in small groups toward the end of the lecture period, what other group activities can I incorporate? Again, time is a key factor (several chapters/concepts need to be covered and reviewed in the weekly 4-hour lecture), and the class sessions have been disrupted in the past for mandatory career development meetings for students.

I would gladly appreciate any insight.

great question. Unfortunately this is not my area of expertise, hopefully some others can weigh in on your question.

Dr. Ryan Meers

Stefano, I am having the same issues. I too am teaching a math class-though it is 12 weeks. I need suggestions also.

At this time, I am trying to break up the large flow of information with groups of 3 to work on a "pre-test" for the next exam. I then work with each group to see their process and answers. I then can correct any misconceptions and answer their questions. Jill

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