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Attitudes are infectious

The first day of class is the ideal time to remember that most class attitudes are a direct reflection of your attitude. I have seen many times over where class control issues evolved from an instructors mistake of not taking control and showing the class that they are in charge but not unapproachable. If you love what you do, show it.

It is very important to show positive personal impression to students, since they expect teachers/instructors to be professional, well prepared, and well organized.
This tasks are more important for the first day of class, since this will set the tone for the rest of the course.

I agree. Over the years as an Instructor I've found you can't be the student's buddy but you should be their advocate. By showing that you care about them they effort level goes way up

I agree with this. Depending on the class and what I know of them I will sometimes explain that if they want a more exciting class it helps if they participate as well. We have classes that start at 6:20 am and those students have a hard time early in the morning. If you can get them participating it helps keep them awake, with better attitudes and it is not as boring for me because I am not talking to a class full of heavy lidded kids.

I like how you stated this information. It's easy for new instructors to become insecure and not set boundaries for attitudes right from the start. However, it's imperative to let students know right from the beginning what the expectations are and what is expected. Attitudes carry from clinical and school into the real life workforce, so it's extremely important for instructors to make matters clear from the start.

Already i find attitudes that seem to stem from insecurity on student's part. Intolerance of bad attitudes and reinforcement of possitives will set the climate so everyone learns in the classroom workplace.

Hi Geraldine,
Insecurity is a real block for many students as they enter a class. They are afraid of not being able to do the work, fitting in, and passing the course. Instructors need to be sensitive to this and provide ways of helping students to feel comfortable and secure in their abilities.
What are some things that you do to help students get over their fears?

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