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ED 111

Teaching really needs a lot of passion. We make sure that students are engaged at all times or else they will be lost along the way.

Hi Lani,
We as educators must do our due diligence to keep our students engaged and sell them on coming back the next day. We are true Edutainers. Students want liveliness in the classroom.

Patricia Scales

I know for me when I have the "Passion" about a subject it registers with the class. I come away feeling "yes I got them" meaning if you teach them something within the first session they will be more likely to pay attention to your discussions. Whether its comical or animated in some way. When you add the active learning component the feeling of accomplishment motivates students to continue.

Hi Kenneth,

Excitement begins with the instructor. Students can tell when you have a passion for what you do/teach. Excitement is really contagious.

Patricia Scales

I must agree teaching needs a lot of passion. Spending time preparing for classes is essential to engage all different types of learners.

Hi Quang,
Students can really tell when teaching is your passion. An instructor gets all into when they love what they do.

Patricia Scales

Hi Patricia,

That is very true. We must sell them on coming back the next day and that may require flexibility in the classroom. Adopting new teaching strategies should not be seen in a negative manner but rather a learning outcome.

Hi Carla,
I concur! Students like a variety in the classroom; they especially like hands-on activities, and of course technology.

Patricia Scales

I agree. The students will only match the instructors excitement level. I also like to think of teaching at a career college as "Edu-tainment". The more our customers are entertained and enjoying their time here, the more valuable information they will retain.

Hi Philip,
You are right, and when we are "edu-tainers" it sells students on coming back the next day; great way to maintain retention.

Patricia Scales

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