Selina  Smith

Selina Smith

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Analysis,Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. =ADDIE=development cycle


Dvelop procedures and policies that encourages.force,push, or motivate students to communicate.


Managing your time is essential. Work~Life

As an instructor and Information manager we must have control over structure, processing, and delivery of information.


Procrastination will cause the stu dents to lose desire to learn. If insturctor use the guideline for teaching I know for sure students will learn. So guidelines are important for students and instructors. 


I like the statement;"Students will construct knowledge rather than receiving it from the teacher." This is making sure the student is held accountable for his/her own learning. It makes sure the teacher has meaningful objectives.


Communication skills will enhance the teaching and learning process. Communication is the key to online teaching and learning.


Tapping in on disabilities at the beginning of semesters are very important.. The teaching process is a must do (into. w/objectives, student-centered lessons, conclusion and measurement of the objective).


I am so thankful to have these online courses. I can see where and why I have made a few mistakes. I needed to learn all of this information before teaching online, however, I am glad to know now what is important to be an effective online instructor. 

Communication, collabration and rubrics are the conncection to online teaching and learning.


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