Victoria Hamilton

Victoria Hamilton

About me


I began my career as an instructor in a traditional classroom. I greeted my students with a smile at the door the first day of class, called when they were absent, and used break time to get to know individuals on a personal level. Once they completed my course, I would regularly run into students in the hall or library and check in with how things were going. Since moving off campus and online, it has been a struggle to create and maintain these same connections with students. I respond to each student's introduction, send welcome messages/emails, make contact if… >>>

In my experience, combining a variety of methods within the classroom allows for all students to be accommodated. In an online setting, posting lecture notes as well as a video lecture provides multiple modals for students to access key content information regardless of their learning style. Asynchronous discussions allow all students to participate, while synchronous "office hours" enable students to ask questions directly to a person as if they were in a traditional classroom. Some colleges are incorporating online elements to the traditional classroom. For instance, students attend a traditional ground lecture but then participate in discussion forums over the… >>>

As an instructor, I am genuinely concerned with helping my students succeed and attain their personal goals. However, there are often outside factors that distract students from online coursework. Although I offer assistance wherever I can, my ability to influence their everyday choices or to make school a priority is limited. What methods have you used in the past to overcome this issue?

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