Roselle Samson-Mojares

Roselle Samson-Mojares

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Teaching adults is not the same as teachng children.


A person's motivation is affected by their psychosocial development which can be described in 3 different ways:

-Erikson - 8 psychosocial stages of crises versus victories

-Levinson - a greater sense of individualization is achieved during each chronological age

-Havighurst - a person's development is influenced by a series of develpmental tasks which a person needs to achieve/complete at a certain age


The reasons adult learners return or continue in school include:

-developing social bonds

-satisfying expectations at place of work

-serving the community

-advancing professionally

-stimulating thought

-leraning for learning's sake

-having a sense of greater purpose in life


EI can predict success.


Intelligence can be developed and ongoing.

Teachers must create opportunities for students to develop their senses, get to know themselves, and come up with answers/solutions.


HALT method for developing empathy.

intrinsic and extrinsic motivation

The central benefit of enhance EI for learners is a developed sense of self and well being in relation to others.

When we are fully connected to ourselves: physically, mentally, emotionally - we are open to learning.


How one feels has an effect on how they learn, their focus, their attention, their ability to digest and process.

Intrinsic motivation is founded on autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

Extrinsic motivation may lead to hedonistic adaptation (but it all depends on the person and the person's circumstance).

I appreciate the idea of "improvement is the goal in and of itself".


What is most important is my perspective of what is going on around me/in my environment.

Taking care of the basics in my life and giving them attention: sleep, nutrition, exercise, meditation/breathing/reflection.

Taking on an internal locus of control instead of an external locus of control.

Staying away from the 3 Ps and utilizing the 3Cs of stress hardiness and ABCs of mood management.


The lesson identified barriers and challenges to implementing active learning activitiesin but it also provided solutions.


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