Ronald Wynn

Ronald Wynn

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With the current healthcare concerns, teaching/instructing has taken a new course. Classroom versus online. Online is showing that students like it more and don't have to attend a real classroom. Fear of the unknown. Now they learn online and only need to attend a classroom for clinicals. 

Learning the behavior of my students and responding to them to help with any problems the may have or are struggling with. To redirect conflicting issues and assist with their new way of learning on-line as opposed to classroom.

By getting students to participate in both  and asynchronous discussions to make sure they are understanding the material and providing good feedback to them on the material covered.


By posting a summary and my academic credentials for the student to see and having them post a short biography of themselves so that we learn more about one another.


To be successful in teaching online, I must evaluate how the student can gain access to the program and any problems that they may have with a CMS. Older students may have more problems with an online training as opposed to a younger student.


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