Nancy Monk

Nancy Monk

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Great icebreakers!  Here's one more: students respond to a posted "quote of the day"  and submit quotes for the next day, which can spark all kinds of discussions and ideas throughout the term.

Agreed.  I offer my students a chance to respond in their journals about what they learned in class as their last assignment; I am always gratified - and often surprised at how much they share about what they have learned!  This means much more to me than "popularity contest" types of responses.  I want to keep learning about what works for my students and what students actually learn in my classroom.

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Agreed, particularly with those adult leaners who are preparing for second and third careers; these life-long learners do bring a level of first-hand experience and a mature outlook gained from those experiences to all learners in the cassroom, which adds greater dimension to any classroom activity.

Blog Comment

Interestingly, I've found that when I walk about the classroom and deliberatley expand the "stage," students feel more instrumental to the development of whatever "drama" is taking place; this is not a new discovery by any means, but one that works, in particular, with more complex or challenging material.  Plus, it can open up some fun opportunities for group learning if I'm a member of the audience as well as the one on stage, 

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