Mackenzie First

Mackenzie First

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Be a good model for your students. Showing passion for your craft and interest in the topics that you're teaching will keep them engaged.
There are many ways to help students to learn which all stem from communicating with them and learning from them just as much as they learn from you. There are also many ways to improve their feelings of accomplishment which aid in retention.
This section had interesting information about how to mesh the range of students of varying ages. It also was helpful to go over potential frustrations that could be brought up in the learning environment to anticipate them.
The way that information is delivered is important and doesn't have to follow a single method.
This section covers the importance of the introduction not only of the instructor but of the content. It is a good practice to set expectations early.
Checklists can be an important tool to keep the instructor on track and to give the students an accurate plan with expectations.
I enjoyed the Harvard videos. My biggest take away is that perception is reality so if the facilitator/instructor is giving signals that they are disinterested or underprepared then the students will pick up on that and mirror it. Buy-in from the students is necessary so we can assist with that by being on time, invested, put together, and having a plan already in place prior to the class start time.

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