kris springer

kris springer

About me


Our school (culinary) has adopted a four catagory system that weights each catagory by a percent value. Sounds confusing, but actually it's fairly simple and our students really like it. We base it on competencies, professionalism, quizes and attendance each is weighted by a percentage. We also have cut and dry policies on make-ups, late project work, attendance and tardiness. We do have the option to offer "extra credit" on quizes or "open note books", but it must be available for all students. For me and the way our program is structured...allowing individual instructors to use their own grading system… >>>

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In my teaching enviroment (Culinary) if we do not plan for many contingencies, things can and will go wrong, as they so often do in the "real world" I follow the seven P's and teach it to my students... 1.)Proper, 2.)Prior, 3.)Planning, 4.)Prevents, 5.)Pitifully, 6.)Poor, 7.)Performance pre-planning for many un-forseen, possible outcomes makes the class run smoothly
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I have fellow instructors that live, breathe and fail by power point presentations. Every class - everyday, regardless of the fact that more and more students lose interest everyday in the subject matter of the class. Many times when I get the same students for their next set of classes they are exstatic with the simplicity of the white, dry-erase board, or a simple game, or a trip to the resource center, or a quick movie, or a brainstorming event...... I think that my "point" has been made... Power Points are nice, don't get me wrong... They need to intergrated… >>>

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