Kimra Braley

Kimra Braley

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I appreciated the reminder that the flipped classroom can be implemented slowly, and does not need to happen all at once.

I like the approach that there is not The flipped classroom, but A flipped classroom. For me, in particular, this is good to remember. It helps me remember that every instructor and every level of learning my adapt it in the way that works best for them, even if that is adding things slowly so that it is easier to assimilate for all the stakeholders.

I appreciate that they discussed the importance of at least a basic level of understanding in technology in order to make this successful. This is something I've seen lacking in both educators, and learners. I also see the benefit of proactive communication before the implementation of the flipped classroom to make a smooth transition. And finally, I enjoyed the breakdown of Bloom's Taxonomy. 

I have learned that the way it is presented to the student and staff is integral in how it is received. Presenting it to a group of "stakeholders" who may alreaady be trepidatious about this change as something negative or difficult will result in a classroom of the same attitude. The way it was presented here, as exciting, and well researched will inevitably create exitement among the educators, and therefore the students. 


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