Jonathan Kelly

Jonathan Kelly

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Effective instruction includes measures of knowledge, the application of that knowledge as well as soft skills such as problem solving and communication. Providing opportunities to develop and demonstrate multiple skills is what may make a difference for students.

By asking the student questions that may lead to the correct answer, a teacher has prompted critical thinking while maintaining the students self esteem. Be sure to thank the student when the correct answer is finally given.

Students need to know what is expected of them as well as how their work will be graded. The expectations should be made clear to the students perhaps through samples of acceptable work.

Most of the students will stay in class as long as they feel the activities are valuable. Some teachers engage students in graded activities near the end of the class meeting to reward students who are still engaged.

Instructors can adjust their delivery to increase the engagement of their students.

The Value of accomodation is that enables the student to use class content while completing assignments or assessments in a way that best meets their learning needs.

A learning disability is a hidden disability in that it is not readily observable by others and only becomes apparent when an person is required to read, listen to, write or compute content.

Your goal as a professional instructor is to be seen by students as a professional educator who cares about them and their success. A person who reflects the characteristics of what is required for success in the career field,

Students who are cheaters will take every effort and opportunity to cheat. Remove as many of these opportunities as you can. Help these students to achieve success through their own efforts. This will help them to develop their own ethical perspectives as well.

When dealing with unfocused students it is important to first look at how you are handling the situation. You may find that you have not made your course policies and requirements clear or that you have not been specific in what your expectations are for student performance. Also, include all of the students in discussions and activities. It is easy to let the center stage student take over so you need to make a concerted effort not to overlook the quieter students.

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