Jonathan Juracko

Jonathan Juracko

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Feedback is important to students so that they can develop their skills and improve their confidence with the content and topic.


There are a plethora of resources readily available for whenever I am developing rubrics and lessons.


Assessments should be planned out proficiently.


I have learned that a rubric is a good way to help guide students to a desired outcome.


Mixed Reality seems like a great way to present a plethora of history lessons.


AR is widespread and can be utilized through a variety of methods.


The inclusion of student devices is a key step to adapting instruction in the future of education.


Teachers can utilize multiple realities to teach their students important content.


I am going to take everything I learned from this course and heavily consider implementing it into every element of the lessons that I develop for online instruction.


I plan to develop low tech lessons so students don't feel isolated when a link or some bit of software does not work in a proficient manner.


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