Jill Himberger, RMA

Jill Himberger, RMA

About me


I agree that paring a shy student, or one who is reluctant to participate with an more outgoing student does usually work.  I will also try to utilize that student in a way that they are either keeping score in a game, assisting me with preparation or observation of the activity. We often put photos of activities on our school's Facebook page, so allowing a student to take pictures to post exposes them to the activity and the learning f the content without increasing what they may percieve as "risky" activity.

The accredeted institution which I work for is continually addressing new ways to improve retention.  I plan to share this information with other facutly, as well as admissions and other staff, and will certainly recommend this course to them.  I found it to be a practical and important way to address student's perspective of the roadblocks they often face in completing their training programs.

I was aware that the lecture method of teaching was probably the most traditional (and boring), and I knew that the attention span of most students was relatively short in a lecture session- but I was surprised at the 10 minute statistic! I, too, have incorporated many of these ideas into my 4.5 hour classes, but now believe and understand why it it necessary and critical to the learning process.  I have used small group discussions very sucessfully- and I have tried to create groups that will challenge the brightest students and stimulate the shy students.  I will then try… >>>

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