James Faulkner

James Faulkner

About me


In addition to violating the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), what would be some consequences for the unauthorized disclosure or sharing of a student's personal information?
Offering an inducement to a student or prospective student to get a referral is a compliance violation. How would this also violate your school's value premise?
It has been said that if you do the right thing and have students' best interest at heart, compliance is more of a result than it is an action. Please comment.
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Why can the use of superlatives be ground for misrepresentation?
Given the things we cannot say in our communications to prospective students, there is information that we must provide them so that they can make informed decisions about their education and training. What is the best way to remain compliant when presenting information about your school and its outcomes?
Given that the content in your institution's Disclosures is heavily regulated by the state agency, accreditors, and the US Department of Education, what do you believe is the real benefit to accurately and precisely communicating information about your school, its programs and its outcomes?
Discussion Comment
Why should testimonials for advertising not be solicited from current students?
In what ways do your school's Mission and Values empower you in your job responsibilities?
How does transparency build trust among your institution, its students, prospective students and the community at large?
What are some positive outcomes your school has seen by employees saying and doing the right thing in their interactions with prospective students and students?

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