Satwinder Bindra

Satwinder Bindra

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Comment on Lynn Kendrick's post: Comment on Lynn Kendrick's post: A course evaluation should include the instructor's knowledge and delivery method, the content, and the applicability/benefit to the student.



Simulation is the best way to learn, simply because the closer the experience is to the real world, the easier it is to transfer the learning.



I learned that music can be used in the classroom to enhance learning for students, but you need to make sure the music is appropriate, it is not too loud.  

I learned that gamification is when you apply principles that are found in games to course where appropriate to encourage students to do their best 

I learned that if a person is in crisis: It is important to listen to them and support them, be empathetic 


It is good to know that: Many people recognize that each person prefers different learning styles and techniques.


Each individual speaks his own language whereas culture is set of patterns in a cummunity dress, laws, customs 


Culture is customs, arts, social institutions but race is person's physical charistics 


Each student is unique and should be treated as a unique person keeping in mind diversity 


Different students learn differently and sometimes it could be challenging for some students if they have language barriers. 


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