Frank Glass

Frank GlassCHEP

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When I'm explaining a concept, I give example applications in my students' fields. When I add a story about a real person (often me) making mistakes, recovering, and/or succeeding, their ears prick up. Bringing theory to the practical aspects of their lives is certainly part of the magic, but part of the effectiveness is due to the change of pace in voice and body language
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Facilitators are in the business of �changing lives� in a positive way. Many of the students are fragile and have forgone or previously dropped out of other curriculums. The tools of assessment should be utilized in constructive ways to guide the students to achieve their goals. The facilitators must communicate and develop a sense of trust and personalization that allows the student to excel.
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I don't test well, is usually an excuse for I didn't study. If a student tells me they don�t test well, I advise them to come in for tutoring. If they don't want to come for tutoring, the question is answered. When they do come in for help, we sit down and try to figure out what I can do, what they can do, or if we need outside help to build skills.
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Classes really do take on their own personality. It's amazing how one activity will work with one group of students and the next group just sits there. What I try to do in that situation, however, is to keep asking questions and, eventually, someone will start answering. It seems like a lot of the time it simply takes one student to get things rolling. Once the ice is broken, I find that other students will respond more
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By understanding the different learning styles, we can adjust the delivery of information to touch on all aspects of learning. We all have our favorite learning style, however we all learn something from each of the styles, therefore we, as instructors, need to be careful not to focus on only one style and explain to our students that they do learn from all styles, not only their 'favorite'.
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I be myself. I leave my problems at the door.I focus on the subject and try to find common ground as a platform to build a relationship not only as a class but also on individual needs to bring the entire up to the highest level they can reach.always set the bar high, the more you expect the more they will try to please.
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Unless the classroom or lab has a comfortable feel where the student can relaxe or let done barriers that would not allow the information to be recieved there will be no learning.You might as well be talkig to the walls.
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Who is at fault when studnts drop a course or drops out all together? Attitude is a key from everyone invovled, no one is to blame it usually is a cluster of factors leading to the decision to stop. Support in all senses of the word financial, physical, morale,curriculume and sometimes even spiritual help is needed to assiste a student in making a wise decision that is right for them.
No negative waves, always build on what you see that is right, not what is wrong.Try to sandwhich the negativr=e between to positive comments.

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