Brenda Ciribassi

Brenda Ciribassi

About me name is Brenda S. Ciribassi.

I work at an accredited school in the Student Services office that deals with adult students.  I help to enroll individuals via over the phone or person-to-person.  I go over the enrollment application with the potential student to be sure everything is filled out correctly.  I also answer questions the potential student may have at this point.  I also get our potential student signed up for our pre-assessment tests and explain what score is required pertaining to the program they are interested to pursue.  I also enroll them to take practice tests for the assessment tests via email before they come to take the actual tests.  I explain how this step operates.  I explain what steps we use to set them up to meet with our financial aid advisor.  I explain what our financial aid advisor would like them to do before he meets with them and what they need to bring with them when they do meet with him.

I continue on with other internal steps to get the enrollment packet(s) into our system and announced to the particular program areas so the coordinator and secretary are aware what student(s) are clearly wanting to pursue their program.  Upon receipt of a high school transcripts, etc., all is scanned and noted in our internal computer storage filing system.  Hard copy records, etc. are also filed in student(s) files.  


computer-related programs, office efficiency, work-related topics, horses and outside activities....biking, hiking, etc.


computer, secretarial, office equipment....faxes, printers, folding machines, calculators, etc.


A Third Party Service Provider could be the student's employer.  They would normally want to see the student's transcript(s) and certificate(s) because they are paying for the student to go through the program.

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