Anthony Chinnah

Anthony Chinnah

About me

I am anInstructor at the Dallas Sanford Brown college. I teach Biology, Anatomy and Physiology I and II ans Biochemistry, and Oral Microbiology and Immunology. I have a PhD in microbiology( virology and immunology)


Ask for inputs from the students regarding topics of interest to the students and their relevence to the Discussion of the endocrine system and it's relevence to normal and tumor cellular growth and reproduction. Grab the attention of the students and their input will be in overdrive. Show pictures of normal cells and tumor cells, color will be imagination grabber, show electron micrographs, This will enable each student's input to dwell in the relms of scientific landscapes and intellegent asynchronous responses.

This was an excellent course, i have learned a lot , which i will implement in my teachings.


I am not ablogger and I have no idea what is Blogging is all about

The ED102 was excellent , it provided me with a great insight into student motivation and the factors that influences student motivation. I am a better instructor for this reason

This was a great experience and this course enlightened me enormously. I think I will be a better instructor for having taken this course. Thank You most sincerely.

Traeting students as individuals and showing compassion and understanding is the start of the Retention procedure. Next is the encouragement, and positive reinforcement, encouraging their intelectual positiveness and their bright future helps the retention of these students. They need to feel that someone cares about them as a person and is prepared to mentor, support, lend a helping hand and be their guide and buddy and as well

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