Christina Caul

Christina Caul

About me


I believe social media could no longer be considered a fad even if it were to disappear tomorrow because it has been so prevalant for so many years already.  I have found in the career services department that social media is a key tool to the success of contacting graduates, employers, and possible new prospective students.  We also use social media to find clients for clinic as well, it is amazing the reach you can have by simply logging on. @rstarks

I have never realized how much importance goes into having a mission statement until recently.  Within the campus we have a new Director and he is focused on our mission.  He made us see the value in learning the mission, reciting the mission, and understanding how to relate each task at work to the mission and how it affects the main outcome.  This training program also emphasized the importance of the mission.  I found it interesting. 

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I have never realized how much importance goes into having a mission statement until recently.  Within the campus we have a new Director and he is focused on our mission.  He made us see the value in learning the mission, reciting the mission, and understanding how to relate each task at work to the mission and how it affects the main outcome.  This training program also emphasized the importance of the mission.  I found it interesting. 

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