Adam Driggers

Adam Driggers

About me


The employment of current practitioners as instructors in the educational arena is becoming more prevalent. Some schools are even indicating a preference of ‘up-to-date’ instructors who are currently practicing the discipline being taught

The importance of instructor support including technical support and course structure. 


I've learned to better manage the differences between my administrator and myself. She is a fantastic manager with some leadership skills. She is developing more every day. I'm a leader and thrive when creating but seem to lose interest in managing situations. The module has helped me see the differences and better acknowledge her value.  


This course was eye opening. It really helped me formulate some ideas about how teams can help with business grwoth next year. 


Is the hardsell generally discouraged? I see many applicants afraid to give their name and contact information for fear of endless calls and emails.

My school is not a title IV school, but the information will be helpful when interviewing prospects who are interested in pursuing those benefits. I enjoy helping people even if they choose an option other than me.

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