Verna Peak

Verna Peak

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I learned that : No accommodations are provided retroactively; no consideration of accommodation requests will be honored until and unless the student comes forward.

Students with disabilities are just as intelligenceas any other student and can learn to function in ordinary sitautions and environments.

What I learned and wil use in my class is My Personal Mission Statement


I will become more knowledgeable about my students interests and learning goals.


I learned that accommodations for an individual learner should modified and scaffolded in order for success.

I learned that 33% of people with learning disabilities have above-average intelligence, with the remainder of individuals having average intelligence. 

I have learned how to identify  different types disabilities and how every student is unique in there own way of learning.


The key to supporting diverse learners

An accepting and caring mindset is the most important key to supporting diverse learners. Each student has something to contribute to the learning environment and school community. Discovering a student’s strengths, interests, and personal goals helps us to appreciate and highlight who they are beyond what grade they earn on a test or how fast they read. Once we discover these qualities, we can be sure to integrate them into lessons and discussions, thus increasing the value of the lesson for students. Students need and want to know that we are on their side, rooting for their success. Once… >>>

Think-Pair-Share Model is great for students with ASD to reflect on what has been said and then share it with one other person, so this reduces their anxiety about groups.

I didnt know that an IEP does not carry over to postsecondary education.  So students with ASD will be entering college without the benefit of the IEP, but will have the knowledge of the strategies and supports that helped them to be successful in high school. 

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