Philip Gray

Philip Gray

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Online instruction is more time consuming than the traditional methods and can make instructors spend more time setting up. Having efficient technology is also important and you should have a backup plan in case the technology is not working properly or at all.

Active learning is instructor guided and the learning is mostly the students responsibility. I need to engage studentsin a way that promotes self- directed learning


Revisions to instruction is a ongoing process. As you are doing your revisions you should keep copies of courses so that they can be obtained in their original content.

Good communication and feedback can help you and your students with the interpretation of the work being presented. Doing group assignments is also a good way to get all students involved.

Time management in personal and work environments will ensure a smoother teaching attitude. Setting specific work time to discuss students questions will help establish guidelines for students.

Learning how to better manage my workload so that I can become more efficient in my online teaching. Workload managment systems is necessary for good teaching strategy's and to develop a good online teaching environment. 

There are many ways to address students disabilities, but having instructors do the work does not feel comfortable with me. Unless my superiors can check and make any necessary changes.  

The LMS does not always have material suitable for students with disabilities. It is the institutions responsibility to have proper materials posted with students disabilities in mind.

We must accommodate all students whether they are handicap or not. Our teaching institutions should provide the online instructors with the necessary tools to teach handicapped students.  

Students will not always state their disabilities as I have found out in my limited teaching. We must accommodate the students with proper teaching to each persons disability.

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