Joel Campbell

Joel Campbell

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A Code of Conduct and modeling should be utilized to shape online communication and interaction


There are generational differences in how people communicate and interact with technology


Online Communication should follow clear and concise guidelines and consequences


There are a number of tools for Instructors and students to communicate with one another in an online environment.


Course revisions are ongoing, require many methods and sources of feedback, and should reflect as many of these as possible.


Feedback and Assessment (Summative and Fromative) are critical to successful learning


Syllabus should be dynamic and provide as much instruction and resources as possible.


Consistency is key to creating a learning environment that students and faculty can follow.


Having a method of record keeping is very important for an effective online classroom. Disruptive interactions and conflicts with students still exist as they do in traditional classrooms. The methods of communicating policies and procedures is different online.

There are distinct advantages and disadvantages to asynchronous and synchronous learing. Synchronous often benefits fast typers and readers and doesn't work well in larger groups. Asynchronous is more flexible and allows students to be more reflective in their response.

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