James Holland

James Holland

Location: quitman, ga

About me

I have taught online for over 12 years and have taught in all formats for over 24 years. My background is Nursing and Respiratory Therapy. I have been a nurse for over 27 years and a Respiratory Therapist for over 31 years. Some of my hobbies are traveling, cooking, eating out with family and friends, and gardening.


traveling, gardening, and cooking




Well designed and simple to navigate.

Customer service is a foundation skill that everyone needs to know.

Problem solving is an important skills to obtain.

Students sharing experiences from their practice helps bring context to the subject that is being taught.

Building relationships with one another and sharing experiences.

Students working together and being able to communicate with one another is important.

Role modeling is a great way to show the students how things are done.

More information about formative and summative assessment.

Keep it brief and to the point.

Giving clear directions and objectives. Instructor presence is very important.

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