Cindy Williams

Cindy Williams

About me


In my Career Management & Business classes, I take diverse learners one step further to understand diversity. I wrote it on the white board in large letters. I explained the definition of diversity and the reason why not all being the same is okay. I let the student talk about differences in race, ethnicities, cultures, appearances, and economic conditions. When I incorporate this discussion, I find the students are more tolerant of differences with even advanced students being more tolerant of slower learners or learners with LD's. The more advanced students were even receptive to tutoring or providing supplemental explanation.… >>>

I have used this technique. Through my observations, a higher level of quality participation occurs. Group members are very cognizant of the peer review and strive to produce in timely and effective manners. The work product of the group is not completed by two or three students. The group members realize the accountability to the instructor and the group itself.
I feel having good eye contact outside of the classroom is extremely effective. The hallways are a great means to continue developing relationships with previous, current and future students. I present a friendly and welcoming facial expressions to acknowledge the students are important to me. They feel respected in and out of the classroom.
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As I teach in Career Development, the students need both physical and mental organization to be successful in completing tasks. To be successful as an online student, the student needs to have the physcial organization of having the proper tools, such as computer with sufficient resources and software applications. If the computer does not have the updated operating systems or sufficient hard drive/memory to support this type of learning environmeny, he/she will quickly become frustrated. As important, the student needs to have the mental organization by having the correct skill set and experience in using a computer. I teach Intro… >>>

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Teaching computer technology, students are at very different skill levels in their use of the computer. I challenge my more advanced students by offering them a reward for applying their knowledge with supporting a small group of students that may not be as advanced as they are. They feel satisfied in the recognition of their skill level and the opportunity to receive positive affirmation from the other students learning from them.
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I try to create an environment of openness and acceptance for my shy students. They provided the best quality concerning life experiences and knowledge. I place them in smaller groups to create a safe haven for them to speak. The smaller group givees them the confidence to participate and discuss classroom topics.
In the first class meeting, I ask each student to partner with another student. I provide a list of 10 general questions about an individual's personality, likes or dislikes. The partners take the questions and interview each other. I then ask the interviewer to take the 5 most interesting things about the interviewee. Then, I ask the interviewer to introduce their partner to class using the answers and interaction with their partner. This forum allows me and the class to better understand each other and to reduce first day anxiety in class. The method further enforces name recognition and networking opportunities.

I always strive to know the names of my students by the end of the first class. To help with this, I ask each student to introduce themself and their major. Next, I ask them to assemble in groups of four. I ask them to choose a team name and a team leader. I then ask the team leader to submit their team name and the members of the team. I then ask them to introduce their group name and the names of the members of their group. I have a secondary reinforcement of their names followed by their seating… >>>

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