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Alumni Services

In recent months I have increasingly felt one of the missing components of retention in career colleges is alumni services. Comments or testimonials are welcome.

Hello Gwendolyn: The college where I teach is fairly new (2 years) and our alumni services is in its infancy.  Where do you see an issue (so we can be aware of a potential problem)?  Also- what I find as a missing retention component is the fact that many professionals haven't had actualy best practices education courses.  Sometimes, professional development changes the minds of a couple of instructors, but most appear to nod their heads in agreement and then go back to old practices of solid-lecture. 

Hi Patricia and Gwendolyn - We have seen that career schools with Alumni Associations increase their enrollment, retention, and placement!  No matter how  new or established a school is, we feel Alumni Communitiies  are a must.  It describes the new look in the private career school sector.  We have to reimagine what alumni careeer schools  look like.  Susan

Hello Gwendolyn,

I have always felt that Private Career Schools educate, graduate and place their students but we don't make the connection with our alumni that public colleges and universities graduates experience.  I have just decided to start our Alumni program.  We are a Cosmetology program and we are kicking off our first event with a free cutting class for our graduates, current students and new students.  We plan on handing out a survey to find out how we did and what suggestions graduates can give us.  I am glad to hear that it is good for enrollment and placement.  I will be looking forward to hearing some of the pros and cons.  Thanks G'Marie

Education Corporation of America currently has a position for a Director of Graduate and Alumni Services based in Birmingham, Alabama. Please apply at

Hi Gewndolyn,

I would have to agree with you on this subject.  Students come and go quickly in this type of college setting.  The only way I continue to have contact with students is to provide guidance or other services in order to aid and assist in their future careers.  Some colleges have a great alumni support and others it is non-existent.

I believe that predominantly online schools and career college alumni resources can serve as a great way to connect college alumni in communities and would serve as a connector when these alumni may not have had any other reason to know each other.  Alumni homecoming events in local towns also serve as a great networking tool and as a great college promotion.

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